Podcast Support – Fueling us with caffeine

From: £1.00 / month


Product Description


We need your support,

We love talking to you all, and turning our weekly calls into a podcast has helped us bring our content to a wider audience.

As a listener to our podcast, you will know that we’re passionate about shifting the perception of type one diabetes. This comes in 2 forms, we want to engage with our athletes to help them achieve their potential which is not limited by living with type one diabetes, but also reaching out to you, the friends, partents, coaches, colleagues or people living with type one diabetes to help you also reach yours.

Through learning about experiences of athletes living with type one, we hope that everyone can take something from this to feed educated or empowered in some way.

Running this podcast takes a huge amount of both time, effort and also as we’re quickly learning, money.

We hope that you will help us to continue doing this by covering the cost of just one coffee a month.

We have listed below some of the benefits that you will receive by being a member.

  • 52 exclusive virtual calls a year!
    • We believe that environment is the key to success and that is why we want to hold a call every week so we can continue to GROW and develop our special environment. We have seen huge success with the calls and have some really cool ideas lined up for this year. These calls bring huge value to all levels of type 1 athletes. Taking the calls from every 2 or 3 weeks to weekly ensures that there easier to plan into your schedules so they’re not missed.
  • Access for people with T1D to join our exclusing community whatsapp group
    • We house our 100+ UK and EU based athletes in a whatsapp group, by supporting this group you will receive access to this group so you can reach out directly with your own questions.
  • Face-to-face social events.
    • We are taking INFLITE TYPE ONE from the virtual Zwift circuits to real life by offering a range of events around the UK including cafe meetups, social no-drop rides, velodrome days and yes a Christmas party!
  • Face-to-face training events.
    • There is nothing quite like being pushed by a fellow athlete, so we want to organise some team training days/weekends right around the UK to help keep motivated towards our goals by leaning upon and being pushed by each other
  • Zwift Events
    • Zwift will be expanding beyond the weekly Wednesday time trial, we hope to bring a weekly social as well as a virtual racing series for those who prefer virtual opponents!

What will we use your support to help us pay for….

  • Team registrations eg British cycling, CTT etc.
  • Kit cost subsidies
  • Kit stock holding for spares and accessories.
  • Kit design and prototyping costs
  • Direct access to the mentorship team for athletic and diabetes management discussions and anything else.
  • Website Hosting
  • Podcast Hosting Costs
  • Podcast studio software licences
  • Meeting rooms
  • Coffee
  • oh and more coffee…

Go on… buy us a coffee

 cost of a subscription is just £1, £2 or £3 a month.

Thank you for choosing to be part of this family, and for supporting us to support you…

from the INFLITE TYPE ONE founders
Andrew Kerr, Henry Aspden and Andrew Big


Level of support

£1 – Upgrade us to a medium coffee, £2 – Upgrade us to a large coffee, £3 – Keep us fueled by buying us our coffee

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